How can you take Tantra home with you? Whether you want to create the most epic tantric relationship together, or just want to add a few practices to be more in your body...Tantra has something for everyone.
Five Steps to use Tantra in Daily Life
TheTantric Embodiment Walk. When you get home from work, take off your shoes and walk barefoot around your home for ten minutes. Notice the texture of the floor, the warmth or coolness of it, how hard or soft it is. Let this simple practice bring you out of your head and back into the body. Essential before trying to be intimate with your partner, but also just a good practice for stress-relief.
The Tantric Breath. standing or sitting, take a deep belly breath and exhale with an audible sigh. Hearing your own sign creates a biofeedback loop to your own nervous system, seeing the message that it is time to relax. Do at least there loud sighs, then notice any shift in your body.
The Tantric Embrace. Hold your partner, belly to belly and heart to heart. Make sure your feet are grounded and you are rested in your own bodyweight. Now take three deep belly breaths together with an audible sigh together. Let your sighs merge into one sound. Notice how you feel after this.
The Tantric SoulGaze. Sometime we feel awkward or cheesy to do eye contact. But this simple gesture also resets the nervous system and helps us to arrive in this present moment.
The Tantric Touch. Ask each other to receive 3 minutes of a type of touch. You need to specify how you want to be touched and where. For example, "I would like you to stroke my hear from the crown to the tips of my hair with your full palms" or "I would like you to lightly stroke the inside of my arms with just your finger tips" or "I would like you to squeeze my feet with both of your hands, covering the whole foot from heel to toe". Put a timer on for three minutes, stop when the bell goes and allow a father minute for integration before switching over. This helps learn the art of receiving, helps to discover what we like and bring us both into our bodies.
Watch our Masterclass on Tao Tantric LoveMaking
You can find out more by watching our masterclass on Tao Tantric LoveMaking. This is an hour-long class with slides, mediations and a couples practice.
This was filmed live from Bali and the connection takes a few minutes to settle in, but the information is all there!