Tao Tantric Massage
Please do not teach this material to anyone else, nor use it for professional services, We teach this for couples to use on one another for their own pleasure and you are not qualified to give it professionally or to teach it.
This massage is as taught by Juergen Kalb, with adjustments made by Shashi Solluna (based upon shiatsu, Tao Tantric Arts and John Hawken)
Use a natural oil with no added perfumes or essential oils eg coconut oil or cacao butter.
Before the session: Receiver must feel empowered to give feedback at any time, so have this conversation first. Also ask about injuries, sensitivities or any places they want avoided (yes, even if they are your lover!). And if they are comfortable naked, or want partial covering etc.
Pre Massage Ritual: Your Body is a Temple (10 min)
Optional Energy preparation: Consecration
Opening the Chakras (15 min) (optional)
The Tao Tantric Massage
The Back Part 1 (25 minutes)
The Back Part 2
The Back of the Legs (including perineum massage)
The Front Torso
Part IV: The Legs
Part V: Integration
Facial Strokes
Touch the face with tenderness and care, as if touching the most precious being.
This massage is as taught by Juergen Kalb, with adjustments made by Shashi Solluna (based upon shiatsu, Tao Tantric Arts and John Hawken)
Use a natural oil with no added perfumes or essential oils eg coconut oil or cacao butter.
Before the session: Receiver must feel empowered to give feedback at any time, so have this conversation first. Also ask about injuries, sensitivities or any places they want avoided (yes, even if they are your lover!). And if they are comfortable naked, or want partial covering etc.
Pre Massage Ritual: Your Body is a Temple (10 min)
- Create a sensual space, no online devices or other interruptions, and find sensual music, candles (make sure they are all safe and will remain so for the next few hours), no clutter etc. Also have plenty of big towels on the bed or on a floor mattress for the massage.
- Facing each other, start with a Namaste, bow and create sacred space.
- Stand up together.
- Woman stands and the man begins to gentle trace his fingers along different parts of her body, saying “this is the face of the goddess”, “this is the hair of the goddess”. As you reach clothing, remove a tiny part of it e.g. Sliding her clothes off her shoulder and saying “this is the shoulder of the goddess”, undress, reveal and name each body part until she is naked.
- Woman now undresses her man in the same way or “this is the face of the God”, “this is the hair of the God”, “this is the neck of the God” etc.
- Touch the whole body from head to toe saying “this is the body of the God(ess)”
- Once the receiver is naked, you can begin the massage. OR if you are lovers you can the undress the other person and both be naked for the massage.
Optional Energy preparation: Consecration
- Receiver lies on their back and giver sits at their head.
- Giver, Namaste and enter your heart space. Make sure you drop your awareness into the heart and let your heart expand to give from the generosity of love.
- Giver raises hands up to offer this massage to the Divine and receive guidance and protection.
- Make a bubble of light around the receiver and yourself.
Opening the Chakras (15 min) (optional)
- THIRD EYE: Place your hands over their temples, thumbs on the third eye and hold for around 2 minutes. Listen under your thumbs- feel any pulsing, throbbing, heat etc. “listen” to the chakra energy.
- Stroke lightly from the third eye to the temples, circle lightly and then flick off any stagnation. Picture clearing any blocks to their divine sight.
- THROAT: Place hands lightly over the throat and once again listen for 2 minutes. Then stroke to the sides of the neck, pull lightly to the sides and flick off stagnation. Opening their spontaneity. A few sweeps to clear energy.
- HEART: Place hands on the heart center and listen for a couple of minutes. The slide to the side of the ribs at the level of the heart and pull lightly off to the sides, removing blocks to love.
- SOLAR PLEXUS: Place hands on the solar plexus center and listen to the breath, the energy, the pulse etc. The slide out to the side of lower ribs and pinch the flesh out to the sides, clearing any blocks to standing in their true power.
- SACRAL CHAKRA: Receiver moves to sit between the legs. Place hands on the lower belly, above the pubic gone, and listen for a couple of minutes to the energy. Then pull outwards to clear any sexual blocks. Flick off the stagnation to the earth.
- ROOT CHAKRA: Place hands, fingers pointing downwards, over the perineum area (not specifically on the actual perineum) for 2 minutes. Then sweep over the upper thighs, grab the flesh at the outer thighs and pull to the sides to clear any blocks to feeling safe in the body.
The Tao Tantric Massage
The Back Part 1 (25 minutes)
- Receiver lies on their belly with sarong over them.
- Go to the feet and slowly draw the sarong down the body, letting it trail over each body part. This activates all the nerve endings and makes the skin feel alive!
- Sit on the left side of the receiver and place your right hand on their heart with fingers pointing upwards, left over your own heart. Not heavy pressure, just a physical presence. Take time to feel your heart and theirs, building a heart connection. Feel your breaths harmonizing. Intention: to be a catalyst for whatever happens and to be very present. After harmonizing slowly, slowly raise your hand off to maintain the energetic heart connection.
- “Jiggling the Column”: Using the index and middle fingers of your right hand, place one each side of the spinal column at the level of the heart. Press the fingers in to that gap and then jiggle side to side for a count of 3 then lift off. This is to activate the spine and the energy flow up the spine. Add your intention to the movement.
- Move up vertebrae by vertebrae, jiggling each time until the base of the neck. Then down to above the sacrum, and back up to the heart.
- Repeat second time a little faster jiggling.
- Repeat third time with a circling motion.
- Opening the Neck: work around the neck area with the intention to break up old patterns, rigidity, attachment to fixed points of view etc. and instead liberate a flowing energy. Attitude is supportive and loving, not forceful or pushy!
- Holding the Sacrum: Hold the sacrum, kneeling facing the head and fingers pointing up the spine. Now is the time to wait and to listen. You are listening for the life in this area. Start by feeling their breath rising and falling, and then open yourself to sense the life force under the sacrum. Open your heart to the life force, and let your heart be in awe and wonder to the aliveness.
- Once you have connected to their energy, add a tiny rocking movement, first side to side and then later you can rock up and down. Stay slow and connected to the energy. Do not take over! If you lose connection, then pause and wait to reconnect again. This connection is the foundation of the whole massage, and without it the massage will feel empty and superficial.
- The intention here is to be in service to the other person’s life force and to release any agenda of your own. Open our heart to this intention….their life force energy will feel it (note whatever the receiver is thinking will be transmitted! Any hidden agenda will also be felt, whether consciously or unconsciously. This is an act of selfless service.
- “Opening the Gate of the Spine.” Kneel between the receiver’s legs and oil the sacrum and the spine.
- Work over the sacral area, but connected to their energy. Feel the sensuous honey-like feeling of the energy and allow yourself to play with it. Do not be mechanical, but add in poetry, playfulness and sensuality.
- Stroke from the top end of the buttock crease, over the sacrum and also over the buttocks. Intention is the relaxation of the buttocks and sacrum and the release of held back sexual energy.
- “Climbing the column”. Hold the sacrum with the left hand, and stretch and push energy up the spine with the right hand as far as you can reach (ideally to the base of the skull). Use the whole of the flat hand and the heel of the hand. Do this three times. This is to awaken the energy of the earth element and encourage it to rise…it helps the kundalini to rise and shows the energy how to flow up the spine.
The Back Part 2
- “Floating the column”. Sit at the head of the receiver and add more oil to the shoulders and the sides.
- The intention here is to awaken the element of water and the circuits of energy flowing like a river.
- With the flat of the hand, rest a moment on the back of the heart, then flow down the spine sending love to the sex.
- Now flow down the spine with two hands, across the buttocks and up the sides of the torso, round over the shoulders and then down again.
- Breathe out as you go down and inhale as you come up, trying to match your breath to the receiver (but don’t get hung up on this!)
- Make sure you move from your hips as you massage, not from your shoulders. Transmit touch from your sex not from your effort.
- Have the imagery of waves rolling in up the beach and then rolling back as you come up the sides….thus the downward is stronger than the return.
- End on the back of the heart after a few waves.
- “Opening the Gates to the heart and sex”, activating the heart and sex.
- Drum on the heart and then on the sacrum with fingertips, with intention to awaken. (sit at the side if you cannot reach)
- “Mixing the Original and Joyous Fires”, connecting heart and sex.
- From kneeling at the head you will push energy down from heart to sex using a pushing motion with friction (do not add more oil). Run your hands down the back actually on the spine, using palms and heels of the hands, taking the heart energy down to the sexual area. At first long and light strokes, then getting shorter and faster in the small of the back and sacral area. Use the friction to create heat at the sacrum.
- Repeat each round (light to heavy) 3 times.
- “Floating the Column”, extended version.
- This time massage down the spine all the way between the buttocks to the perineum, then sweep under the ridge of the buttocks along the gluteal crease with a mild pull to open the perineum. Then up the sides of the body as before.
- Massage the shoulders as sensuously as the buttocks.
- Intention is to welcome back the prodigal child.
- After a few waves, come to rest at the heart.
The Back of the Legs (including perineum massage)
- Go to their feet.
- Hold the ankles with a very slight stretch crated by leaning backwards, intention of grounding.
- Then gently rock and tug at the ankles (using a rocking of your own body), inviting energy to flow into the legs. This opens the meridians in the ankles and backs of the legs (kidney and bladder meridians which control flow of energy into sexual organs)
- “Walking on the Water”. Oil legs and buttocks.
- Flow from feet up the inner leg, over back of the knee and down the outside, soft on inner leg and back of knee, and strong down outer leg, around base of feet and back up the inside. 3 X.
- Take the circuit up to the gluteal crease, slowing down as you approach the perineum to build anticipation and energy. Flow down the outer legs to the feet and then back up inside. 3 X.
- Play over the perineum, teasing the energy to awaken.
- Add in the whole buttocks into the circles.
- “Stirring the Water”. Oil the perineum.
- Stretch the buttocks, making clockwise circles on the perineum with one thumb.
- Make pulsing and vibrating movements on the perineum.
- Communicate how much pressure etc, or listen to their sighs for feedback.
- The intention of this is to remove shame and toxity from their body.
- 7 minutes minimum on the perineum.
- End by safely holding over the perineum so they feel held and can integrate.
The Front Torso
- Heart connection. Kneel at the side facing their feet and place your right palm on the heart with fingers pointing up, left hand on your own heart. Intention to help them feel centered in the heart and build heart connection between you.
- “Breaking the flow”. Place hands at the solar plexus and massage the diaphragm with the receiver’s outbreath, hands sweep apart onto the ribs, pulling and pushing and moving from side to side.
- Intention is to clear any block between heart and sex.
- “Stoking the fire under the stone”.
- Oil the abdomen.
- Circle clockwise over the abdomen, with circles getting lighter and lighter. Start by unblocking this area and then become so light that it is as if you move over delicate rice paper without ripping it.
- Intention is to awaken the fire in the belly.
- Finish by holding the pubic bone in stillness to integrate, and gentle activate sexual fire.
- “Pounding the Gates of the Crimson Palace”: light percussion on the heart chakra to awaken the heart energy.
- “Harmonizing Fire and Water”. This is a wave on the front like we did on the back.
- Sit at the head and place hand on the heart.
- Flow down to the pubic ridge (2nd chakra) and then the wave returns up the sides of the body, over the shoulders and back to the heart.
- Intention is to create flow between the heart and the sex.
- “Greeting the Five”. Take the receiver’s hand and strongly and slowly pull down each finger and thumb, first top and bottom and then at the sides, squeezing at the finger nail. This is quite fast and vigorous with intention to get Qi flowing (rather than a sensual massage)
- Then massaging top and bottom between the bones of each finger inside the hand, finishing each stroke with a good pinch and pull of the webbing between the fingers, but with care not to hurt.
- Intention: opening the heart through the reaching and receiving impulses in the hands.
- With oil, put the arm under traction and stroke up outside of arm with a firm stroke, over shoulder, down the inside of the arm very lightly. Be sure to brush completely off the fingertips.
- Pulling the muscles away from the heart. From the sternum stroke outwards towards the armpit, quite strong strokes to ease the muscle and open the heart space. Invite tension in the pecs to release. You can put one thumb int the armpit for traction.
- Do this complete sequence first on one side, then on the other.
- Intention: Approaching the Heart, preparing for its opening. Leave the arms open to the sides, palm up.
- “Opening the Gateway of the Crimson Palace”. Spiral on the heart, drawing anticlockwise and then clockwise circles. This is a very tender stroke. Imagine working with gold leaf, touching it without tearing the leaf. Finish with strokes in the energy body.
- NB Polarity Difference: In woman, Heart is POS + and Sex NEG -; this is reversed in Men. This means there’s a difference in Intention required:
- Working with a Woman, invite Giving to come forth;
- Working with a Man, invite Receiving to come forth.
- Repeat “Harmonizing Fire and Water” (with extension)
- Repeat wave stroke, now going further down to the first chakra to the pubic bone, then on either side of the sex down the groins to the perineum, then across the thighs, gently pulling them open, then pulling up the sides of the torso, brush the nipples on the way up with your thumbs, and over the shoulders.
- Again the stroke begins and ends on the heart.
- Intention: Moving Energy down from the heart to the base.
- “Ascending the Steps of the Jade Gate”
- Kneeling above the head, place one hand under shoulders and reach down to the longissimus dorsi on the side of the back of the heart. Hook the fingers to give a strong contact, using the weight of the Receiver. Slowly pull the hand up to the base of the skull, following the longissimus dorsi.
- Then stroke up on the other side. Repeat until each side has been done three or four times. The head will tend to loll away from the side that is receiving the stroke.
- Place hands over temples, with the 2 thumbs meeting at the 3rd eye, inviting energy to flow into the 3rd eye.
- Intention: connect head with body
Part IV: The Legs
- “Awakening the Dragon”
- Go to Ankles; hold ankles, inviting energy down.
- Oil the legs.
- From foot, up inside of legs to knees, over knees, down outsides of calves back to foot.
- Circles from knees to top of legs – up the inside, down the outside of the thigh.
- Intention: awakening the legs.
- The sexual palace:
- For a Female Receiver: The up stroke moves up between the lips of yoni, down the outside of the labia. Be very, very, very sensitive up the center line and firmer (but soft-firm) down the outer labia.
- For a Male Receiver: Stroke goes up between the testicles, stroking the underside of Vajra towards the glans with lingam lifted on to the belly, and down the outside of the lingam. Softly up and firmer down.
- For both m and f, be very aware, not too fast…try to feel the energy. “Don’t go faster than the spend of Qi”.
- “Turning the Fire”. Communicate speed and pressure, set up steady circling movement into which we can relax into the energy as it is raised. Intention: Not to stimulate but to draw out the energy so that it circulates in the whole body.
- For Woman: Circle on clitoris, clockwise circles. Slow, light and steady. Use enough oil.
- For Man: Circle clockwise on the “Gates of Consciousness”, around the glans. Slow, light and steady. Use enough oil.
- Time suggestion: at least 7 minutes for the whole sexual area, can be longer. These moves are the peak of the massage.
Part V: Integration
- “Cupping”
- Kneeling between Receiver’s legs. Reach under butt to place one hand on sacrum
- “Integrating Stroke”
- Kneeling between Receiver’s legs, or standing between legs.
- Brushing stroke: sweeping energy up inside of legs, brush over sex and gentle up to heart. Brush gently from heart down inner arms and off the fingertips of inner palm. Then glide on over the back of the hand and up the outer arm, more firmly, over the shoulders and down the sides of the body and outer legs all the way to the toes.
- Inside up – outside up – outside down – inside up – inside down – outside down….spread the sexual energy throughout the body. This prepares for full body orgasm.
- Repeat the whole integration stroke several times, with intention to spread sexual energy into all the meridians.
- Resting and noticing. Rest for at least 10 min afterwards.
Facial Strokes
Touch the face with tenderness and care, as if touching the most precious being.
- Cup over the ears and hold, building energy into the head.
- Massage Ears – start at the lobes, then circle around the whole ear towards the inside.
- Massage from third eye to temples.
- From the bridge of the nose upwards across the forehead, like the rays of the sun changing the angle to cover the whole area.
- Massage from bridge of nose across to ears, across cheekbones.
- Massage from chin to ears, grasping the jawline between finger & thumb, moving from centre of chin to ear.
- The face corresponds to the whole body – the nose corresponds to the heart, the jaw to the pelvis etc. Touch it with tenderness and love.
- End face massage with hands over their eyes.
- Move hands to touch on third eye and sublimate sexual energy to third eye. Hold for several minutes.
- End whole massage with thumbs on the crown, sublimating all the sexual energy to the crown and the ether space of Highest Consciousness.
- After removing your hands, sit exactly there for 5 monites without moving.
- After 5 minutes move to their side and wait for them to return.